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North Chicago & St. Louis Injury Updates


Can You Sue For PTSD After A Car Accident?

Car accidents | July 21, 2020 Thankfully, most car accidents result in relatively minor injuries or only property damage. However, that is not always the case. Some accidents are so severe that they lead to significant injuries, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for victims. Here, our Chicago car accident lawyers…


What Is Lack Of Informed Consent And Injury?

Medical malpractice,Personal Injury | July 14, 2020 Informed consent is almost always going to guide the course of treatment that you undergo when you go see a medical professional. Whether you need surgery, are undergoing some type of physical therapy, or receiving any other medical care, you must generally give…


How Do Insurance Companies Dispute Liability In Illinois Car Accident Cases?

Car accidents | July 7, 2020 If you or somebody you love is involved in a car accident In Illinois, then you are probably aware you will be dealing with insurance carriers. This can become complicated, and there are times when the insurance carrier will dispute liability in an effort…


Your Guide to Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Illinois

Personal Injury | June 24, 2020 If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury caused by another person, company, or entity, then you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit against the alleged negligent party to recover the compensation you need. Unfortunately, personal injury cases in…


Your Guide to Filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Illinois

Medical malpractice | June 18, 2020 The last thing that anybody expects when they go seek treatment from a doctor or other health care professional is that they will be further injured. However, there are times when the careless or negligent actions of a medical professional cause significant harm to…

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