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North Chicago & St. Louis Injury Updates


Communication and Proactive Steps Can Stop Wrong-Site Surgeries

Medical malpractice | April 7, 2017 Double-checking to make sure that you’re operating on the right patient and the right body part seems like it should be pretty standard behavior — but a surprising number of wrong-site surgeries still take place. In a study that was published in 2011, it…


Windows 10 Slammed With Class Action Lawsuit for Computer Damage

Defective Products | March 29, 2017 Do you remember the insistent messages sent out by Microsoft in 2015, urging consumers to download the Windows 10 operating system on all their Windows devices? If so, you aren’t alone. However, a group of Illinois residents says that the messages were more than…


Do You Really Need an Attorney for a Simple Car Accident Case?

Car accidents | March 15, 2017 If you’ve been injured in a car accident, the process for recovering for your injuries may seem pretty straightforward: Wait until you heal, negotiate a little with the other driver’s insurance company, sign a few papers and settle your claim. Should you really hire…


Act Quickly to Make Sure Electronic Evidence Is Persevered

Truck Accidents | March 10, 2017 If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, there’s a very important reason that you should contact an attorney as quickly as possible: the need to preserve evidence. Once your attorney notifies the trucking company or its insurer about the possibility of a lawsuit…


Off-Label Use of Medical Products Can Lead to Malpractice

Medical malpractice | March 3, 2017 What’s the difference between the cautious use of a medication or medical device “off-label” and carelessly exposing a patient to unnecessary medical risks? Using a medical product off-label means using it in a way that isn’t approved or recommended by the Food and Drug…

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