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North Chicago & St. Louis Injury Updates


What Do Drowsy Driving and Drunk Driving Have in Common?

Legal Articles | October 7, 2016 Drowsy driving is a problem that affects most people at some point during their lives. Driving while sleep-deprived can be as dangerous as drunk driving. As fall transitions into winter and the holidays are approaching, a great deal of attention is being placed on…


Team Medical Staff Might See Improved Insurance Coverage

Medical malpractice | October 6, 2016 College sports teams travel all around the country for events. The issue with this is that there isn’t any legal clarification that provides protections for team doctors who are traveling with the team. A recent bill passed the United States House of Representatives that…


Youtube Video Shows Crash Involving Semi and 6 Other Vehicles

Truck Accidents | September 30, 2016 “It appears to be a video of the accident, but it’s going to investigators.” That’s what a captain with the Illinois State Police had to say about a YouTube video that surfaced that apparently shows an accident involving a semitruck and six other vehicles…


Your Legal Options for Injuries Caused by Defective Products

Defective Products | September 13, 2016 As American consumers, we typically trust in the designers and manufacturers of the products we purchase. Most of the time, this trust is well-founded. However, sometimes our trust and even our well-being are jeopardized by the use of products that have been found to…


“Fair Pay And Safe Workplaces” Order Finalized

Firm News | September 1, 2016 Final regulations and guidance for contractors to protect their workers’ wages, civil rights, safety, and workplace protections were passed last week – just in time for Labor Day. The final touches to the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order by the FAR Council…

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