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North Chicago & St. Louis Injury Updates


Electronic Cigarettes and Potential Defective Products Lawsuits

Product Liability | April 1, 2015 The relatively recent introduction of electronic cigarettes into the marketplace poses new concerns from some safety officials. E-cigarettes, which are often also referred to as personal vaporizers, are battery-powered devices that are designed to simulate real tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes typically work by using the…


Can I Challenge My Urine Drug Test After My Workplace Accident?

Work Accidents | March 26, 2015 Illinois provides workers’ compensation protection for employees who are injured at work. Generally, this works on a “no-fault” insurance scheme. Without getting too technical, the current system bars injured workers from suing their employers and their insurers directly for their injuries. In exchange for…


Infections From Scopes and Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Medical malpractice | March 18, 2015 Frequent readers of our internet blog may remember an article we wrote previously regarding the procedures hospitals use to report infections within their facilities. In that article, we noted that post-surgical infections developed by U.S. patients are estimated to cause approximately 8,000 deaths annually.…


Statistics Show DUI Enforcement Varies Considerably by County

Legal Articles | March 12, 2015 On behalf of Steven Seidman As total traffic fatalities drop, greater DUI awareness credited with safer roads Illinois officials recently announced that 2014 was the sixth consecutive year that the state saw fewer than 1,000 traffic deaths, according to CBS Chicago. The long-term decline…


Holding Drivers Responsible for Jackknife Truck Accidents

Firm News | March 4, 2015 The central location of our state in the middle of the nation’s main highways ensures that Illinois roads are constantly filled with commercial tractor-trailers. Big rig drivers naturally go through rather rigorous training and testing to make sure that they can handle their vehicles…


Link Between Daytime Talk Show Giveaway and Defective Products

Firm News | February 26, 2015 On Feb. 5, the Consumer Product Safety Commission published a recall for a children’s highchair. The product, manufactured by a company called Mima, is suspected of having a design defect that reportedly allows the high chair to come loose from its base. According to…


Your Medical Malpractice Claim Is Also About Containing Costs

Firm News | February 16, 2015 You hear it all the time in the news. People in the health care profession claiming that medical malpractice lawsuits are unnecessarily driving up costs. Many of them argue that doctors are engaging in “defensive medicine” in order to avoid potential litigation. There are…

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