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The Long-Term Costs of an Accident-Related Amputation

Car accidents | November 8, 2021

Amputations are one of the most catastrophic types of injuries that can occur. Amputations can happen in a wide variety of ways, including vehicle accidents, agricultural accidents, factory or warehouse accidents, and construction accidents. Here, we want to discuss the long-term costs of an amputation incident.

Analyzing the Long-Term Costs of an Amputation

When we examine information available from the Amputee Coalition, we can see that there are approximately two million people living in the US who have lost a limb. Individuals lose limbs in a wide variety of ways. The main cause of amputations is vascular disease, but trauma-related limb loss accounts for a significant percentage of all amputations. Every year across this country, there are around 185,000 amputations.

In order to properly understand the true long-term costs of an amputation, we need to examine various factors, including medical costs, lost earnings, and even emotional and psychological losses.

Medical expenses

The medical expenses associated with amputations can be tremendous. This begins with the initial medical emergency arising due to the amputation as well as any major physical therapy or rehabilitation needed. Often, those who lose a limb have to undergo months or even years of physical therapy in order to regain a sense of control over their life.

Additionally, amputees may need various types of medical devices in order to get back to living as close to a normal life as possible. This can include prosthetics, wheelchairs, walkers, and more.

Lost wages

It is not uncommon for those who lose a limb to not be able to work in the same capacity as they could before the injury. In some cases, individuals may not be able to work at all. Any person who loses a limb and suffers job-related consequences has to worry about a loss of income. This could include a total loss of income or a partial loss of income if an individual can return to work but in a different capacity. Depending on the age of the amputee, lost wages could reach a significant figure over long periods of time.

Auxiliary costs

Anytime a person sustains a major injury like an amputation, there are other costs not necessarily associated with medical expenses. This could include having to hire someone to do the things that the injury victim was previously able to do but can’t any longer, such as household chores, mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, etc.

Non-economic damages

The emotional and psychological costs of an amputation injury are often overlooked when it comes to discussing the long-term effects of these injuries. Individuals who lose a limb often have to adjust to a new way of life, and this can be challenging. It is not uncommon for amputees to suffer from depression and anxiety. Additionally, those who sustain a traumatic injury can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that affects them for years after the injury occurs. With an amputation, there is a constant reminder of the accident or illness that caused the injury.

Working With an Attorney

If you or somebody you care about has sustained an amputation injury caused by the negligence of someone else, you should speak to an attorney as soon as possible. The long-term costs of amputations can be tremendous, and you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. Let a Chicago work injury attorney investigate the incident, determine liability, and help you recover maximum compensation for your losses.

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