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How Long Will It Take to Get My Settlement Check from a Car Accident?

Car accidents,Personal Injury | December 6, 2020

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in a vehicle accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of another driver, you should be able to receive compensation for your injuries and other financial losses. However, securing this compensation can be complicated. Often, car accidents are resolved through a settlement with insurance carriers, though it may be necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to secure compensation through a negotiated settlement or verdict. Regardless of how your car accident is settled, you need to know how long it will take for you to receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Most Car Accidents Are Resolved Through Insurance Settlements

It is understandable that most car accident victims want to know how quickly they can receive compensation for their injuries and other losses. The reality is that most vehicle accidents are resolved through settlements with insurance carriers. If another driver caused a crash, then that driver’s insurance carrier will be responsible for covering medical expenses and property damage, up to their policy limits. If you were responsible for a crash, your own insurance carrier will be responsible for covering your injury and other damage expenses, up to the limits of your policy.

In cases where insurance carriers resolve the matter, it is not uncommon for a person to receive a settlement check within a month or six weeks following the crash. However, every accident is different, so these numbers are not steadfast. Additionally, you should never accept a final settlement offer until after you have reached maximum medical improvement. If you settle the claim before you have finished your medical care, there will be no way to go back and seek more compensation if your injuries end up being more severe than you or your doctor thought.

What If A Civil Personal Injury Lawsuit Is Necessary?

There are times when insurance carriers deny a car accident claim or refuse to offer a fair amount for your injury losses and other expenses. When this happens, it may be necessary for you to file a civil personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver and their insurance company. First, you need to know that there is a two-year statute of limitations in place for these claims. Failing to file a claim within this two-year limit will result in you being unable to recover the compensation you need.

After a case enters the civil court process, it could take some time to resolve. However, most car accident lawsuits do not end up going to trial and are settled at some point during the process leading up to the trial. Personal injury attorneys for both sides will continue to negotiate even as they are investigating the incident and going through the discovery process. Only if the two sides cannot reach a fair agreement will the case have to go to a trial by jury.

Civil personal injury cases can take anywhere from a year or more to resolve. Car accident injury victims should not expect to receive monetary compensation quickly if they have to file a personal injury lawsuit. However, after a settlement negotiation has been reached or if a jury hands down a verdict, it should only take a few weeks for the injury victim to receive the compensation they have been awarded.

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