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Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident T-Bone?

Car accidents | October 26, 2020

Vehicle accidents have a variety of causes, and they range in severity. Many vehicle accidents are relatively minor, while others result in severe injuries and property damage. It is not uncommon for T-bone collisions to cause catastrophic injuries for those involved. These collisions happen in a variety of ways, usually due to driver error. Here, we want to discuss how liability is proven in the aftermath of a T-bone crash. Victims in these cases must be able to obtain the compensation they need to make a full recovery. For more information on your potential claim, speak to a Chicago T-bone accident lawyer today.

Common Causes Of T-Bone Collisions In Illinois

In order to properly determine liability in the aftermath of a T-bone collision in Illinois, it is important to look at the causes of these incidents. This importance is highlighted by the fact that Illinois is a fault-based state, meaning that the person who causes a T-bone collision, often called a side-impact collision, is required to provide compensation for the other party’s damages and injuries.

A common misconception is that the driver that strikes the side of another vehicle is going to be at fault for the collision. However, that is not always the case. Either driver involved in the collision could be at fault, depending on the circumstances. In fact, it could be the case that both drivers share some liability.

Some of the most common causes of T-bone collisions in Illinois include:

  • Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs
  • Operating too fast for conditions
  • Looking at a phone or device screen while driving
  • Talking on the phone while driving
  • Disregarding traffic signals or stop signs
  • Failing to yield the right of way to another driver

There are various other possible causes of T-bone collisions, as this list is not all-inclusive. The fault for these collisions will be determined by analyzing the nature of the crash, the police reports, evidence taken from the scene, statements from eyewitnesses, and more.

Common Injuries Sustained In T-Bone Collisions

When we turn to data available from the Illinois Department of Transportation, we can see that these accidents are referred to as “angle collisions.” During the latest year across the state, we know that there were nearly 33,000 total angle collisions reported. Out of these incidents, there were:

  • 74 fatal collisions
  • 9,613 injury collisions
  • 1,274 catastrophic injury collisions

Unfortunately, drivers and passengers inside vehicles struck on the side are likely to sustain significant injuries in these collisions. This is the area of the vehicle where there is very little space between the impacting vehicle and the drivers and passengers inside of the other vehicle. Is not uncommon for victims to sustain the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Open head wounds
  • Concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Other severe neck or back injuries
  • Internal organ damage or internal bleeding
  • Severe lacerations or puncture wounds
  • Crush injuries
  • Severe contusions

These injuries will likely lead to a victim needing significant medical care. A T-bone collision often results in victims and their families sustaining significant losses caused by medical bills, lost income if a victim cannot work, physical therapy and rehabilitation expenses, property damage expenses, and more.

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