Firm News | February 5, 2015

If you were previously unaware, then you should now know that texting and driving is illegal throughout Illinois. Unlike other states, the ban on texting and driving in Illinois applies to every age group regardless of whether you’re a teenager or senior citizen. In fact, the Illinois Department of Transportation and several other safety agencies have joined together to promote their safety program called “Drive now, text later. You can’t do both,”

The dangers of texting and driving are substantial. According to the National Safety Council, nearly 1.2 million or roughly 24 percent of all traffic collisions can be attributed to drivers who text and talk on their cellphones while operating their vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a driver who is texting while operating his or her vehicle stands a 23 times greater chance of having an accident during that interval when he or she is sending a text.

Firm News | January 27, 2015

If you have been injured in a collision with a tractor-trailer, your decision to act quickly is important to preserving your future claims. In a previous posting to our website, we discussed how gathering evidence soon after a truck accident greatly increases the effectiveness of that information.

Our law firm utilizes a variety of methods on behalf of our clients to ensure that we get a full understanding of the events that may have contributed to your truck accident injuries. In some cases, we may deploy forensic investigators to comb through the accident scene. In other cases, we might utilize aerial photography or even computer animation to re-create possible scenarios. We also look at the driver’s logbooks and the trucking company’s maintenance records to ensure their compliance with state and federal regulations.

Firm News | January 23, 2015

Consumers have a right to expect that toys purchased for their children will not put them at unnecessary risk of harm. Alternatively, manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of children’s toys have a duty to immediately report whenever they learn of potential safety hazards posed by their products. In fact, they are required to do that reporting to the Consumer Products Safety Commission within 24 hours.

In a perfect world, toy manufacturers would run their products through extensive testing procedures designed to eliminate certain hazards such as choking, poisoning or pinching.

Firm News | January 14, 2015

If you live in the state of Illinois, it may come as no surprise that when it comes to workplace-related slip and falls due to inclement weather, Illinois is fourth on the list. In fact, according to Liberty Mutual Research Institute, the state tied with third-place Michigan at 32 percent. Only Wisconsin at 33 percent and Indiana at 37 percent scored higher.

The institute, which for the last 15 years has kept an annual ranking of the top 10 causes of workplace injuries that were serious but not fatal in the United States, found that nationwide falls that occurred on the same level accounted for $9.19 billion in workers’ compensation costs for 2012. It was one of the leading causes of injuries in the workplace, second only to overexertion that had a workers’ compensation cost of $15.1 billion.

Firm News | December 25, 2014

Authorities in Evanston, Illinois, say that a UPS truck driver has been cited for allegedly striking a pedestrian with a delivery truck. An Evanston, Illinois, police spokesperson reported that the accident occurred at around 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 22. According to police, the UPS truck driver had been traveling down Central Avenue and had begun to turn southbound onto Ashland Avenue when the accident occurred.

Authorities say that the turning UPS truck struck a 30-year-old Evanston, Illinois, woman somewhere near that intersection, trapping her underneath the vehicle. Police would not confirm whether the victim was in the crosswalk at the time of accident. However, police did issue the driver a citation for failure to exercise due care to avoid a pedestrian. The delivery truck driver was reportedly unaware that he had struck the woman until he heard her screams.

Product Liability | December 19, 2014

Under the basic premise of products liability, manufacturers have a duty to ensure that the products they sell to the public are not unreasonably dangerous. Although this area of law can be quite complicated, it is generally assumed that consumers usually purchase products based largely on what they assume to be the product’s purpose.

Much of that consumer expectation is predicated on the manner in which products are marketed. For example, a person shopping for milk at a grocery store would not expect to find laundry bleach packaged in similar containers next to the milk in the dairy aisle.

Legal Articles | December 18, 2014

A recent motor vehicle accident in Chicago caused serious injuries to four individuals. The NHTSA lists a number of the most common causes of crashes.

The Chicago Tribune reports that five people suffered injuries as a result of a two-vehicle accident in the South Austin neighborhood on November 8, 2014. According to police reports, one vehicle rear-ended the other, forcing it to hit a brick wall. The first vehicle then hit a streetlight pole on the other side of the street.

Work Accidents | December 11, 2014

Most people are already generally aware of what the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act is about. Many people know that the IWCA ensures that Illinois workers who are hurt on the job or acquire diseases connected with their jobs can receive money and medical benefits.

However, fewer people know some of the more arcane provisions of this statute. The following are some examples of those:

Firm News | December 4, 2014

Medical malpractice is often the most emotionally devastating type of personal injury because there is an element of trust involved. Most of us rely on our doctors to preserve our health and prevent us from exposure to avoidable injuries. There are many forms of medical malpractice including patient neglect, misdiagnosis and even prescribing incorrect or inappropriate medicines. Arguably, the worst forms of medical malpractice occurs when a doctor conducts surgery on the wrong patient or in the wrong location on a patient’s body.

According to a 2008 quality handbook published by the National Institutes of Health, many doctors were simply unaware of the actual numbers of patients injured by WSS until 1999. That was the year that the Institute of Medicine published a report which catalogued a series of injuries, deaths and near-misses due to surgical errors.

Legal Articles | December 3, 2014

Illinois has enacted legislation making it mandatory for convicted drunk drivers to use ignition interlock devices on their vehicles.

People who choose to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking endanger the lives of millions of motorists on Illinois roadways each year. In 2012, 321 people were killed by drunk drivers in Illinois alone, accounting for 34 percent of all motor vehicle accidents, according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Due to the high drunk driving fatality rate, Illinois enacted legislation in 2009 making it mandatory for all convicted DUI offenders to use an ignition interlock device in their vehicles. Since that time, the DUI fatality rate has dropped by 22 percent. Illinois is not the only state seeing dramatic differences from enforcing mandatory interlock device laws, but states across the country have benefitted from these lifesaving devices.

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