Evanston Dog Bite
Dog bite injuries can leave victims suffering from incredible pain, and these incidents can also lead to long-lasting scarring or disabilities. At Seidman, Margulis & Fairman, LLP, our team is here to help if you need an Evanston dog bite injury attorney by your side. We understand the laws surrounding dog bite injury claims in Illinois, and our goal is to make sure that you recover as much compensation as possible for your losses.

- At Seidman, Margulis & Fairman, LLP, our dedicated team of Evanston personal injury lawyers understand that every case comes down to results. We help our clients overcome any serious challenges they face to secure compensation.
- Our attorneys are passionate about getting results for those who have been seriously injured due to the negligent actions of others.
- We handle Evanston dog bite injury claims on a contingency fee basis. This means that clients do not have to worry about paying money until after we recover the compensation they are entitled to.
Dog bites can lead to significant injuries, including severe lacerations that tear through skin, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. A dog’s jaw is so powerful that it can even break finger and hand bones. In some cases, individuals suffer from infections as a result of the initial bite, and many dog bite victims sustain significant scarring and disfigurement.
Some of the main expenses that dog bite victims need compensation for in these situations include:
- Coverage of all medical bills related to the injury
- Lost income if a victim cannot work while they recover
- Any out-of-pocket expenses incurred
- Pain and suffering damages
- Loss of enjoyment of life damages
There is no set of money available to dog bite injury victims in and around Evanston. Rather, the total compensation amount will revolve around the specific factors related to each dog bite incident.
Challenges With Recovering CompensationUnder 510 ILCS 5/16, we see that Illinois is considered a strict liability dog bite state. This means that the dog’s owner will be held liable for the full amount of a dog bite victim’s injuries, so long as the victim was lawfully where they were allowed to be when the bite occurred.
Typically, recovering this compensation happens through the dog owner’s homeowners insurance policy. However, insurance carriers can be challenging to deal with, and there is no guarantee that the dog owner will have an insurance policy to draw from. Regardless of whether or not you will pursue compensation through an insurance settlement or through a personal injury lawsuit in civil court, it is important to have an attorney by your side who can investigate the claim, work with economic and medical experts to calculate your losses, and be ready take your case trial.
Call an Evanston Dog Bite Injury Lawyer ImmediatelyIf you or somebody you love has been bitten and injured by another person’s dog, you need to know where to turn to compensation for losses. At Seidman, Margulis & Fairman, LLP, we are here to help ensure that you do not have to go up against aggressive insurance carriers by yourself. Let us help you secure compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering losses. When you need an Evanston dog bite injury attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling (312) 781-1977.
Additional Dog Bite Resources: